
22 Multi-Quat Sanitizer (ProClean) (6101526) replaces 22 Multi-Quat Sanitizer (Ultra ProClean) (6101527)


22 Multi-Quat Sanitizer (ProClean)

Quaternary-based sanitizer for food contact surfaces that can also be used as a third-sink sanitizer and for disinfecting applications, such as bathrooms. Rinse-free formula.

  • Shamrock Foods Item Number: 4135941
  • ProClean SKU: 6101526
  • GTIN Number: 10025469042580
To order, log in and add it to your next Shamrock Foods order.
Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits:

EPA registed, no rinse formula.


Sanitizing rinse for eating and drinking utensils

Effective Against/On:

Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538), Salmonella enterica (ATCC 10708), Escherichia coli O157:H7 (ATCC 35150), Listeria monocytogenes (ATCC 19117).

22 Multi-Quat Sanitizer is effective against:
*Avian Influenza Virus
*Canine Distemper Virus
*Newcastle’s Disease Virus
*Herpes Simplex Type 1 Virus.

How To Use
  1. Scrape and pre-flush utensils to remove excess soil.
  2. Wash with good detergent or compatible cleaner (see your representative for a recommendation).
  3. Rinse with potable water.
  4. Sanitize in a solution of 0.26 oz. – 0.68 oz. of 22 Multi-Quat Sanitizer to 1 gallon of 400 ppm water (150 - 400 ppm active quat).
  5. Drain and air dry.

22 Multi-Quat Sanitizer (ProClean) (6101526) replaces 22 Multi-Quat Sanitizer (Ultra ProClean) (6101527)


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